Indoor Plants

Not only do indoor plants enhance the overall appearance of a space, but they've been shown to boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants — making for a healthier, happier you.

Peperomia Polybotrya
Peperomia Polybotrya
Peperomia Polybotrya

Peperomia Polybotrya

The raindrop peperomia is an easy-to-care for, fairly compact indoor plant with succulent, heart-shaped foliage. It doesn’t grow taller than one foot.

Code: I1
Price: Rs.220
Availablity: Not Available

Peperomia Scandens
Peperomia Scandens
Peperomia Scandens

Peperomia Scandens

An ideal way to decorate your garden space with Peperomia Scandens is to display it down from a hanging basket. Peperomia plants will do best in bright, indirect sunlight.

Code: I2
Price: Rs.60

Peparomia Obtusifolia

Peparomia Obtusifolia

Also known as the Baby Rubber Plant. It's thick upright stems with glossy, oversized leaves. Drought resistant. Leaves are typically dark green and highly resistant to disease and pests.

Code: I3
Price: Rs.60

Dischidia Oiantha
Dischidia Oiantha

Dischidia Oiantha

It needs medium to bright filtered light. Mist the plant every day.They need warm humid conditions. Dischidia is an epiphytic small growing tropical succulent plant, related to a Hoya, with trailing stems. Their stems may produce roots along the nodes to absorb nutrients.

Code: I4
Price: Rs.50

Burgundy Rubber Tree

Burgundy Rubber Tree

The Burgundy Rubber Tree is a spectacular indoor plant with thick, glossy leaves that range from a rich burgundy red to almost black. Ficus elastica likes to be in soil with a good amount of moisture, avoid placing it in dry areas.

Code: I5
Price: Rs.250
Availablity: Not Available

Varigated Rubber

Varigated Rubber

If you're looking for a new and rare plant to add to your indoor collection, a Ficus Elastica 'Ruby,' also known as a Variegated Rubber. It ikes to be in soil with a good amount of moisture, avoid placing it in dry areas.

Code: I6
Price: Rs.250
Availablity: Not Available

Manjula Pothos

Manjula Pothos

Manjula Pothos has heart-shaped leaves with variegated shades of green, cream, silver, and white. The wavy-edged leaves vary in markings and coloring. It is low growing, compact, trailing, cascading with dense foliage.

Code: I7
Price: Rs. 160

N Joy Pothos
N Joy Pothos

N Joy Pothos

The Pothos N-joy can thrive in different lighting conditions, moderate indoor light is the most recommended to keep up the varigation.

Code: I8
Price: Rs. 130

Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos

This charming houseplant is just as tough, easy to grow and carefree as all other pothos plants. These bright plants perk up rooms and offices with their chartreuse, heart-shaped leaves in a brilliant, electrifying green colour.

Code: I9
Price: Rs.150

Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos (also called Devil’s Ivy) is a tropical vine with shiny, heart-shaped leaves that often have gold, white, or yellow variegation. It is one of the easiest houseplants to grow!

Code: I11
Price: Rs.60

Monstera Broken Heart Philodendron

Monstera Broken Heart Philodendron

It's name in Latin means "abnormal" as it has odd-shaped, perforated leaves that are often punched with holes. It should be kept in an area that receives moderate, indirect sunlight. Wait until the soil is dry before watering the plant again.

Code: I12
Price: Rs.120
Availablity: Not Available

Brazil Philodendron

Brazil Philodendron

It has colorful twist on a classic houseplant and is surprisingly easy to care for. With heart-shaped leaves in different shades of green and yellow, this trailing plant earned its name thanks to the close resemblance to the Brazilian flag.

Code: I13
Price: Rs.120

Blue Marx Philodendron

Blue Marx Philodendron

They’re loved due to their ability to remove toxins from the air around them & also for its’ easy nature and small demeanor. The leaves are heart-shaped but narrow. One doesn’t have to worry about plant pests. It’s a rare occurrence.

Code: I14
Price: Rs.120

Lemon Lime Philodendron

Lemon Lime Philodendron

‘Lemon Lime’ Philodendron brings trailing foliage in shades of bright yellow to chartreuse. Its cascading stems can grow quite long, almost 12′! and is best kept trimmed to a desirable length. Can tolerate Low light also but prefers bright indirect light.

Code: I15
Price: Rs.80

Oxycardium Black Philodendron
Oxycardium Black Philodendron

Oxycardium Black Philodendron

This stunner has dark moss green leaves, with red undertones. This climber has heart shaped leaves strung delicately on a vining stem that will elevate any space it is placed in. It is the brooding hero of your houseplant movie.

Code: I16
Price: Rs.150
Availablity: Not Available

Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron

It is one of the most forgiving houseplants for a new plant parent. The leaves are glossy, textured, dark-green and heart-shaped. Apart from benefits like air purification and negligible maintenance, they can tolerate low light conditions also.

Code: I17
Price: Rs.60
Availablity: Not Available

Philodendron Grazielae

Philodendron Grazielae

The vining plant has thick stems with small heart-shaped leaves that have glossy appearance. You can grow this in containers and prune it regularly to maintain a bushy shape. Or, you can put it in a hanging basket also.

Code: I18
Price: Rs.200

Emerald Green Syngonium
Emerald Green Syngonium

Emerald Green Syngonium

‘Emerald Green’ has entirely green leaves with light green to cream veins. The plant stays compact and is a great addition to small pots. It is a great trailing indoor plant that looks beautiful with its arrow-shaped leaves.

Code: I19
Price: Rs.60

Bold Allusion Syngonium
Bold Allusion Syngonium

Bold Allusion Syngonium

‘Bold Allusion’ shows off creamy light green leaves with hints of pink blush across the foliage. It is a great plant for small pots.It is a great trailing indoor plant that looks beautiful with its arrow-shaped leaves.

Code: I20
Price: Rs.90

Albovirens Syngonium

Albovirens Syngonium

The plant features cream or silver shades on the foliage, while some leaves have green margins over cream or white background. It is a great trailing indoor plant that looks beautiful with its arrow-shaped leaves.

Code: I21
Price: Rs.80

Rhoeo Tricolor
Rhoeo Tricolor
Rhoeo Tricolor
Rhoeo Tricolor

Rhoeo Tricolor

It is a resilient indoor container plant which is found in several color forms and it brings another unique addition to the interior plantscape. For best growth and color give it bright indirect light or a little morning or afternoon sun.

Code: I22
Price: Rs.70

Boat Lilly/Rheo Bush

Boat Lilly/Rheo Bush

Reo is a decorative and unpretentious flower that will look great as a single plant or in combination with other potted crops. Its dense leaves of deep purple will enliven any interior. The white flowers in boat shape buds looks like an eye.

Code: I23
Price: Rs.45

Pandanus Golden Spider Plant
Pandanus Golden Spider Plant
Pandanus Golden Spider Plant

Pandanus Golden Spider Plant

One of the most adaptable houseplants is Spider plant, Pandanus Variegated Spider plant has golden with Green-striped leaves. It produces long, thin, and slightly arched foliage. It is fairly easy to grow and care for, and it looks very beautiful in a hanging pot.

Code: I24
Price: Rs.60

Variegatum Spider Plant
Variegatum Spider Plant

Variegatum Spider Plant

It has dark green leaves with white margins. The long stems which support the offsets are green. It's a striking plant and has generally replaced the popularity of the 'Vittatum' in garden centers and department stores.

Code: I25
Price: Rs.60

Vittatum Spider Plant
Vittatum Spider Plant

Vittatum Spider Plant 

It's often displayed to show the numerous plantlet's or Spider Babies that form on mature plants. The long stems on which the Babies hang are yellow / white.

Code: I26
Price: Rs.60

Foxtail Fern

Foxtail Fern

It is an evergreen, drought-resistant plant that needs little care and looks bright green all year long. It can also flourish indoors in pots or can be brought outdoors when climate permits.

Code: I27
Price: Rs.180
Availablity: Not Available

Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Fern

Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Fern

Long, arching stems densely covered with short, needle-like leaflets give this plant a delicate appearance. Mature plants will bloom in summer with tiny, white-to-pale pink flowers hidden among the needle-like foliage.

Code: I28
Price: Rs.120

Boston Fern
Boston Fern

Boston Fern

Nephrolepis exaltata, known as the sword fern or Boston fern. It needs a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. Boston ferns are the perfect porch plant, and suitable for hanging baskets.

Code: I29
Price: Rs.100

Asparagus plumosa fern

Asparagus plumosa fern

They are ornamental perennial plants with long, soft leaves that grow like feathery clumps. It grows best in dappled shade. You can grow plumosa ferns in a bright room because the plants will adjust to the light.

Code: I30
Price: Rs.250

ZZ Air purifier plant
ZZ Air purifier plant
ZZ Air purifier plant

ZZ Air purifier plant

ZZ plant is Air Purifier with attractive, dark green leaves, boasts many favorable traits for offices and homes. ZZ plant tolerates neglect, is drought tolerant, and accepts low-light conditions without throwing a fit. Its waxy, smooth leaves reflect sunlight and brighten rooms.

Code: I31
Price: Rs.250



This nerve plant is a spreading evergreen perennial with delicately veined, deep-green leaves. The most popular vein color is silvery-white. Nerve plant is a low-growing creeper that is a perfect fit for terrariums or bottle gardens.

Code: I32
Price: Rs.120
Availablity: Not Available

Purple Heart
Purple Heart
Purple Heart

Purple Heart

Despite their unique blooms, many gardeners choose these plants for their foliage, which is also particularly vibrant. Both the stems and upper surfaces of the leaves appear to be deep royal purple. They will bloom with three-petaled pink flowers in small clusters. 

Code: I33
Price: Rs.60

Parlour Palm

Parlour Palm

It has lacy, compact fronds that grow upright from a cluster of stems. It may reach up to four feet in height indoors, though it can also be grown in a tabletop planter if you get a small one (it’s a slow grower). 

Code: I34
Price: Rs.200
Availablity: Not Available

Dwarf Devil's Backbone Varigated
Dwarf Devil's Backbone Varigated

Dwarf Devil's Backbone Varigated

It is a very unusual succulent plant with fleshy dark green and white leaves arranged opposite in pairs. It resembles a ladder. This evergreen shrub has zigzagging fleshy stems with thick waxy varigated symmetrical leaves.

Code: I35
Price: Rs.75

English Ivy

English Ivy

Also known as Hedera helix, it can thrive in cold and low light situations. It’s also popular as an ornament, especially during Christmas and winter seasons. This evergreen plant climbs up the side of trees and buildings, adding color wherever it goes.  

Code: I36
Price: Rs.80
Availablity: Not Available

Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew

It has a very attractive foliage. Inch plant requires bright, indirect light. If the light is too dim, the distinctive leaf markings will fade. Keep the soil slightly moist. Best in hanging baskets. 

Code: I37
Price: Rs.60



Coprosma offers year-round colour and a range of new hybrids offer a selection of choices from cream to pink to burgundy with variegated foliage creating a lovely mottled effect. 

Code: I38
Price: Rs.90

Aglaonema Red Valentine
Aglaonema Red Valentine

Aglaonema Red Valentine

It is a beautiful, slow-growing houseplant, producing tones of rose randomly splashed on the dark green leaves. The colors start out more pink and turn red as the leaves mature. Chinese Evergreen plants are on NASA’s list of air-purifying plants

Code: I39
Price: Rs.270
Availablity: Not Available

Red Peacock
Red Peacock

Red Peacock

NASA recommended air purifier plant. Popular low maintenance plant. Suitable for AC rooms, office desk, etc. Best indoor plant with colored attractive leaves.

Code: I40
Price: Rs.270

Tillandsia Cotton King(Air plant)

Tillandsia Cotton King(Air plant)

This adorable plant feature layers upon layers of the prettiest silvery-green leaves. It is very striking and almost glows with its green and silvery appearance. The air plant is one of the more striking plants you can use for your house decoration. 

Code: I41
Price: Rs.175
Availablity: Not Available

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